New Upcoming Series!
This quarter we are shifting to build new connection with clients and merge the fields of natural medicine and positive psychology to help provide real tools of adaptability to this wild existence that is human life. From providing essential techniques, perspective and tools of wellbeing for our students, we hope to help expand their arsenal of ways to navigate in a healthier way through the challenges of life.
Medicinal Mycology
Mycology is the study of fungi, but within this field, like many, are interconnected fields of art, science, ecology, human wellness, psychology and more. Within our upcoming series that begins this October, we will be hosting educational series with a specific focus on mental wellness.
Cultivating a Unique Perspective
With a multidisciplinary approach, we provide a growing field of subjects ranging from Mycology (working with fungi), Mushroom Cultivation, Natural Medicine, Herbalism, Positive Psychology, Ecology, Ethnobotany and so much more...

Fungi contain such unique & potent medicinal qualities. We explore the themes of the medicine the Kingdom of Fungi has to offer while exploring some of the primary concepts of mushrooms, mycelium and how they may teach us ways in which we can relate to the Earth in greater symbiosis.

Mushroom Cultivation
From nurturing mycelial cultures to harvesting beautiful flushes of fungi in outdoor garden beds, we guide you through the fundamental and specific methods to cultivate and nurture fungi to life. Focusing specifically on Lion's Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps Militaris, Turkey Tail and Enthogenic Mushrooms, we provide you with all of the knowledge and recipes to master mushroom cultivation with limited tools.

Extraction & Crafting Medicine
Improve the potency and quality of your medicinals through liquid extraction, potent decoctions and powder extracts. We share with you the methods in which we elicit the beneficial compounds from our favorite natural remedies. Use these fundamental skills to build out your own apothecary and design your own uniquely crafted products.

Adaptogenic Herbs
Within this series we will explore specific ways in which plant and fungal allies may support greater holistic mental wellbeing.
Medicinal Mycology
We explore the field of mushroom cultivation while we draw knowledge from numerous fields of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Ethnobotany, Nutrition, Mental Wellness and much more to bring an interdisciplinary perspective on natural medicine as it relates to humanity and the natural world.
Nature's Medicine
The diversity of ways natural medicine may enrich your life is nothing short of profound. As we've developed through this age of technology, we've garnered so much insight and development, but somewhere along the way, we've lost the importance of working with nature as a primary modality of healing. This may be the reason we've entered an age of our current chronic disease epidemic. Moving forward, we hop to that in returning back to natural medicine and sharing its wisdom with our communities, we may find greater healing for ourselves and our loved ones and pave a healthier future.
Join us for our two week long deep dive in natural medicine as we explore what it takes to nurture a practice of healing and cultivate a path of wellbeing.